2021 Life Release 放生儀式
Dear dharma friends,For the four H.H. for Palyul lineage-His Holiness the Fourth Penor Rinpoche Drubwang Migyur Dechen Garwang Zilnon Dorje, HH Kuchen Rinpoche, HH Gyangkhang Rinpoche, HH Mugsang Rinpoche and the three most senior Khenchens' long life to continue turning the wheel of dharma, Palyul Clear Light will host a life release event this Sunday, August 8, at 9AM EDT at Palyul Ling International.All animal released have NYS government license to set free in NY state for environment friendly.Due to the regulation of COVID-19, this event will not open to the general public, only the volunteers who have been working onsite.Please fill out the form here to list the sponsor(s) and to whom you are dedicating:
You can make your donation to support the event through PayPal here:https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=KCRWT3GK7ZADN
Donations will be accepted until Saturday, August 7 at 6 PM EDT. We will close the process at that time.
為祈求白玉四位法王--第四世貝諾法王轉世揚希、古千仁波切、蔣康堪祖仁波切、穆桑祖古仁波切與南卓林寺三大堪千壽安並長久住世恆轉法輪,同時也為疫情下受難的眾生祝禱祈福,白玉淨光將於8/8 假美國白玉林閉關中心的明珠多傑尊者的大佛塔前舉行放生法動。
中國地區:請以微信向 Cindy 連絡。
台灣地區: 戶名:社團法人中華昂諦偉瑟林勝境光明洲佛學會上海商業銀行豐原分行ATM 代號:011帳號:49102000016870